
How To Make Stainless Steel Screws Black

How To DIY Black Oxide
For Ferrous Metals

Get Control Of Your Black Oxide Finishing Needs For Ferrous Metals.

DIY In-House blackness oxide finishing continues to grow in popularity. With many reasons why in-firm blackening of iron, steel, and stainless steel is more attractive than sending parts out to a plater, they all come down to 1 simple concept: more effective control of quality, scheduling and costs. Specifically, manufacturers need faster turnaround on part finishing to satisfy customers' shipping requirements.

Manual or automated, black oxide finishing systems are inexpensive to install compared to painting, electroplating or anodizing systems. The latest CNC black oxide systems cost less than a small machining center and operate automatically, with low direct labor costs. Chemical costs are commonly less than twenty cents per pound of finished parts and depend on work volume. These finishing installations can be modified so that rinse waters are purified and recycled, which allows manufacturers in drought stricken areas of the country to meet tough water consumption regulations.

Automated CNC Blackness Oxide line shown for finishing machined components

Why Blacken?

why blacken?

  1. Blackness oxide adds value and sales appeal to many machined or fabricated parts, without altering dimensions or interfering with role assembly or performance. In add-on, black oxide finishes are quite durable and offering long-term corrosion resistance in storage or in service. Black oxide finished products including paw tools, cutting tools, gears, couplings, fasteners, jaws.
  2. DIY In-House black oxide lines are supplied equally pre-engineered systems, complete with operator training. They are easy to install and operate and can be adjusted to accommodate any part size or volume.
  3. ISO and "Lean Manufacturing" programs are easier to administer when inventory stays in the plant.
  4. For well-nigh companies, the main do good of an In-House black oxide system is the ability to offer Fast Track service for key shipments without raising inventory levels. Some report that they can receive a purchase order in the forenoon, auto and blacken the parts, then ship the same day, or next twenty-four hours. In today's manufacturing environment, fast delivery is very often required to satisfy the client and is impossible without an in-house black oxide system in place.

corrosion resistance

Corrosion Resistance

A blackness oxide finish will normally withstand up to 100 hours of neutral common salt spray (ASTM B117) or several hundred hours of humidity (ASTM D1748), depending on the sealant used. Black oxide finishes practice crave a sealant of some type considering the black finish itself has a porous crystal construction. Although the sealant is primarily responsible for the corrosion resistance, the underlying black coating acts equally an absorptive base, holding the sealant in contact with the metal substrate.

Dimension Uniformity Stability.

Blackness oxide finishes take a compatible thickness of most 0.000020 inches, making them platonic finishes for precision manufactured components that cannot tolerate the variable thickness of pigment or electroplating.

Dimension Uniformity & Stability

Blackening Options and Features

Presto Black Iron and Steel

Room Temperature Blackening for Atomic number 26 and Steel (Presto Black®)

Utilizing copper/selenium chemistry, this system operates without heat and forms a black conversion coating in 2-5 minutes. These finishes can supersede caustic black oxide in many applications, just the end is not quite as durable. Because copper and selenium are both regulated by EPA, these process lines are often fitted with Ion Exchange to purify and recycle the rinse waters for aught discharge operation.

Larn more than nearly Room Temperature Blackening for SteelLearn more than about Room Temperature Blackening for Bandage Iron

room-temperature black-oxide for steel

Mid Temperature Black Oxide for Iron, Steel and Stainless Steel. (Tru Temp 2nd Gen Blackness Oxide)

Using a patented chemistry, this system operates at 200°– 210° F and forms a dark, clean and durable blackness magnetite finish that is Mil Spec compliant, in thirty – 35 minutes. The bones chemical science is the same as that of loftier temp blackness oxide but the reaction gain at a lower temperature because information technology blackens in two steps. Since the process contains no EPA regulated metals, the rinse waters are generally sewerable every bit non-hazardous discharge. Its low temperature eliminates the severe hazards of the 290 degree black oxide, making information technology easier and far safer to operate. The procedure also avoids the red coatings and white table salt leaching unremarkably seen with conventional blackness oxide because the overall concentration of caustic soda is 80% lower than that of regular black oxide.

Larn more about Mid Temperature Black Oxide for Steel
Learn more about Mid Temperature Black Oxide for Cast Iron
Learn more about Mid Temperature Black Oxide for Stainless Steel

Process Design

Though many installations operate with a standard process sequence, the blueprint of the procedure line can change to arrange different production conditions:

  • The size and volume of parts per shift will determine the overall size of the blackening tanks.
  • The method of parts treatment required (racks, baskets, rotating barrels) affects the mode in which the parts are processed through the line.
  • The condition of the surface prior to blackening may call for special cleaning or descaling provisions. Parts that carry heavy oils or oxides (rust, heat care for scale or hot-rolled mill scale) often require aggressive cleaning or descaling treatment utilizing chemical or grit-blasting methods.
  • The performance requirements of the final cease volition point which sealant is needed to accomplish the necessary advent, gloss and level of corrosion resistance.

A well-designed tank layout tin can accommodate all the factors listed above, and the supplier of the arrangement tin can offering guidance in these areas. Most standard process lines comprise the seven following stations as show on system beneath:

process design tankline

Ion Exchange and Nearly-Zero Water Recycling Systems

Near room temperature and mid temperature steel blackening lines work very well by sending their rinse waters directly to the city bleed, untreated, as non-hazardous discharge. With water restrictions beingness put in place beyond the country, many manufacturers are looking for low water consumption finishing options. In these areas blackening installations tin can be configured and so that the rinse waters are not sent to the drain, simply rather are purified and recycled, past means of an Ion Exchange or a Near-Nix Water Recycling Arrangement. Though the Ion Exchange or Near-Zero Organisation raises the initial capital letter cost of the installation, it lowers the operating price past making the process line completely cocky-contained, thereby eliminating the need for a discharge allow, the accompanying sewer sampling program, and decreasing water consumption by 95%.

These processes work well on an in-house basis, and are easy, safe and economical to operate. Birchwood Technologies offers expert guidance on which process is best for each awarding and tin can also size and blueprint the process lines and provide operator preparation.

Ion exchange processing

ION Exchange processing purifies and recycles the rinse water following the MICROLOK® processing. The issue is pure, deionized water fed dorsum to the rinse tank to be re-used over and over.

near-zero water recycler

The Well-nigh-Goose egg Water Recycler for the TRU TEMP process collects rinse h2o from the kickoff rinse tank filtering out free and emulsified oil and detergent residues. The pH of the rinse water is maintained at a nigh neutral level.

Wide Variety of Blackening Examples

Areas of Opportunity for Manufacturers

Lean Manufacturing

To paraphrase 1 visitor's motto: Zero defects, zero waste, zero incidents. This goal equates to maximum customer satisfaction at minimum cost, and is achieved past streamlining function motility and controlling each phase of the entire manufacturing process. In-Firm black oxide tin can play a key role in this program.

Controlling Quality & Costs

Sending parts to an outside plater for black oxide requires part sorting and packing, freight costs there and dorsum, two-five twenty-four hours turnaround, and and so paying the finisher a turn a profit to do the work. This exercise requires college inventory levels, complicates ISO controls, and makes it more hard to offering quick response for key customers.

In dissimilarity, with an In-Firm process, either manual or CNC black oxide system, turnaround times are less than an 60 minutes. This lowers costs and inventories, streamlines workflow patterns, enhances ISO accountability and provides ameliorate command over finished part quality.

Enhancing Part Value

Sending parts outside for finishing is a costly and avoidable production bottleneck, especially where just-in-time deliveries are required. While finishing contributes only a pocket-sized portion of the office'southward total value, the cost of sending work outside is often inordinately high when all the hidden factors are considered.

Satisfying the Customer

Prompt shipments of high quality products aid win new orders. In-House finishing helps to reduce costs and inventory while keeping the client satisfied.

The Added Do good of Security

Some manufacturers are not able to send parts outside for finishing due to security reasons. In-House blackening systems solve this problem when manufacturing parts with series numbers, proprietary designs, and confidential office counts. In real-world applications, In-House blackening systems are the ideal finishing choice for product assemblies with sliding contacts including firearm mechanisms, munitions and military assemblies.

In summary, whether manual or automated, blackness oxide finishing has proven integral to modern manufacturing because information technology enhances objectives while lowering costs.

Demand to evaluate whether in-business firm metallic finishing is right for you?

We offer Costless, no obligation testing finishing on your parts. Visit the following page to request sample finishing authorization.

Finishing Systems Available

BK-1 Presto Mini Kit

Mini Blackness Oxide Systems

Ideal for testing or small calibration product. The systems available include:

  • –Mid-Temperature black for iron and steel
  • Room-Temperature blackness oxide for iron and steel
  • Blackness Oxide for aluminum.

Each mini organization comes complete with operating teaching transmission, all necessary tanks, equipment and chemicals to operate a v gallon finishing line for upward to 6 months.

BT100 finishing system

40 and 100 Gallon Blackness Oxide Finishing Systems

Constructed of 10 judge steel or welded polypropylene. These are completely engineered and designed for easy installation anywhere in your plant. Arrangement startup and operating aids include: operating steps, test kit and maintenance log, owner'southward manual detailing assembly, operation, troubleshooting and system maintenance. Factory technician is bachelor to service your installation, including startup, arrangement charging and operator preparation.

Tru Temp CNC Finishing Line

CNC Black Oxide Finishing System

CNC line utilizes an integrated programmable hoist and tank line to automatically procedure iron and steel components with a high quality blackness oxide finish. Designed to operate every bit a self controlled unit that eliminates the labor costs required with manual hoist lines, this CNC system is highly repeatable, eliminates procedure guesswork and has big output capabilities.


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